Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hey Guys :)

I just sent out an e-mail to everyone with the model's addresses. I thought that was a little more private for them than posting it up here on the blog. But if for some reason you came, but didn't get my e-mail I just sent out, let me know and I will forward it along to you so you can get your cd's out for them

On a side note I know I mentioned it in the e-mail but I'll say it here again:


These guys really did us a favor and spent money coming all the way down to Sedona to model for us and put up with all of us and our photo madness. They helped us build our portfolios, the least we can do is send them a CD with the photos we took on it. If you don't have time to edit all the images, just edit your favorite 10-20, but include ALL images of the model on the disk for them. (you don't have to put the blurry, crappy, or bad expression ones on there though). If the models don't get photos we might have to start charging for these shoots and actually paying models to come out and I'd like to not have to do that.  Thanks guys :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Sedona Photos!!!!!

Hey guys I hope you have all recovered from our whirlwind weekend! The photos are starting to roll in from the shoot and it looks like you guys got some amazing images! Here are just the first few to roll in, I'll be posting up more as I get them so make sure to keep checking back!

Shaun Roby

Kadie Pangburn

Sierra Blanco

Dazzling Images

Pati Pakulis

Gretchen Knoblock

Darcy Jacobs Martin

Amanda Rockafellow

Leah Simmers

Angela Simpson

Rachael Earl

Carlos Benjamin

Erin Durband

Thanks Everybody!

We had such an awesome time with everyone at the shoot! I am so excited to see the awesome photos you guys were able to grab of the great models we had. If you'd like to share an image from the shoot I would love to post it up here on the blog. Just send me an image sized 640 pixels wide to kadie@pangburnphotography.com along with a link to your blog or website.

I can't wait to see the pics!!!

Here's just a quick one I grabbed off my card to let everybody who didn't come get an idea of the awesomeness to come!!!

And here are just some fun action shots I snapped...

How Leah can bend like this I would love to know! I guess when you spend a lot of time on the ground taking pictures of kids you must get flexible!

Apparently laying on the ground is a popular past time for us photogs... lol

Or sitting.... lol

There was a crazy big mass of us in this one spot at once during the day...

This is part of my "good little hubbies standing around holding their wives things" series... Jeremy was such a trooper all day!

This is my fav lol! Nice little brand placement for Casia too lol...